What would be the correct description of the immune system? It's the human body's police force. It's a complex arrangement of cells. What are its functions? It defends the human body against invading organisms. More? It controls inflammation and abnormal cell development. Several organs contribute to the immune response. They are the lymphatic system, bone marrow, liver, thymus, and spleen.
Immune cells in the spleen can track the blood for outside contaminants. Moreover, the spleen accelerates the manufacture of red blood cells and initiates blood clotting.
The bone marrow manufactures white and red blood cells and platelets.
The thymus manufactures B cells and T cells.
· B cells make antibodies
· T cells are a major component of the immune system
The body’s immune system had the capacity for beating off intruders. It also has the capacity for remembering them to kill them off, provided that they invade a second time.
A prime function of the body’s immune system is to recognize self and non-self. In this way, it realizes what to attack. Autoimmune diseases happen when the body’s immune system can’t recognize the tissues in the human body.
High cholesterol can further heart disease
Heart disease causes numerous deaths worldwide. High cholesterol furthers heart disease when there is a buildup of fatty molecules in arteries. The result is less flexible walls. The narrowing of the artery decreases circulation. The result is elevated blood pressure as the body has a hard time maintaining sufficient blood flow to the tissues. There is a possibility of pieces of the cholesterol plaque breaking off or the raging blood flow leading to the formation of clots. Heart attack or stroke happens if the clots or pieces get stuck inside smaller vessels.
A supplement with phytosterols that established to promote immune system health
Moducare Chewable is a regular immune supplement for restoring, strengthening, and balancing the immune system. A bonus is its incredible grape taste.
The chewable has Phytosterols in a medically established 100:1 ratio. The source of these nutrients is the genus pinus.
This formula:
· Supports the immune system
· Beats off stress and fatigue
Another natural immune support formula based on Traditional Chinese Method
Ancient Multi Immune has 21 vitamins and minerals in coenzymated forms for general healthy absorption. This immune support supplement from ancient nutrition Canada also contains organic plant extracts and bovine liver.
This supplement:
· Is specially made to promote a healthy immune system
· Fights stress