As the season changes, our bodies try to cope with the changed environment and the weather. Certain changes in the weather and food consumption can cause the defence system of the body to weaken. That makes the body more prone to bacterial and germ attacks. Common colds and flu are some of the common ailments that people suffer from during season changes.
With a cold and being under the weather, people can develop coughing. It causes the lungs to get filled with mucus. Coughing often leads to breathing issues and, if left unchecked, may aggravate something serious. Therefore, it is imperative to take Ivy Leaf cough syrup to get relief from the cough and loosen the phlegm.
Have Enough Vitamin D In The System
Our body does not produce vitamin D. The Sun happens to be the best source of Vitamin D. However, during the rainy season, clouds make it impossible for adequate Sun exposure. Vitamin D plays an important part in maintaining the optimal function of immunity. A lack of nutrients can make a person fall ill.
A deficiency in vitamin D can make the diseases aggravate during the winter. If one has a cold and lacks sufficient Vitamin D, one may develop a respiratory problem. From them, breathing might get difficult. Therefore, intake of vitamin D through Ivy Leaf extract cough syrup will help to tackle any monsoon-related ailments.
Maintain Proper Hygiene
Seasonal changes beg for the maintenance of proper hygiene. Since the viruses and the germs in the air multiply, the chances of contamination increase. Our hands are the source of most infections. It is the most exposed part of our body, other than our face.
If one does not wash their hands properly, they are paving the way for germs and viruses to enter the body. Carrying a hand sanitiser remedies this problem. Before eating or after being in a public space, one can use sanitiser to clean their hands.
Gargle Lukewarm Water For Sore Throat
Seasonal cold often makes the throat dry and itchy, and sore. It can also result in mucus buildup in the lungs. A person with such symptoms will have difficulty in breathing. Gargling lukewarm water will wash out the bacteria in the mouth and throat. It cleans up the mucus. Gargling garlic water can help to provide relief to the throat.
Go Out For Exercises
Staying fit and active is the best way to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases. It not only keeps the person in shape but also thwarts diseases. Working out for even forty minutes can strengthen a person's immune system. High-intensity exercises often make the respiratory system stronger.
More Fatty Acids In Diet
The person can fight germs and bacteria better with Omega 3. Adding more Omega-3 fatty acids to the diet can reduce the common cold virus. Omega-3 is abundant in salmon and nuts. It makes the immune system stronger.
Thyme Reliefs Cold And Cough
The cough syrup with thyme and ivy effectively relieves patients from acute bronchitis. Thyme, as a herb, helps reduce the cough's frequency and severity. According to health experts, one can also consume raw thyme in herbal tea.
Add two teaspoons of dried thyme (not powdered) to 1 cup hot water. Steeping it for 10 minutes before straining and drinking can provide relief from a blocked nose and clear the lungs of mucus.
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