Someone who is prone to experiencing cough and cold quite often understands how frustrating the situation may become. But worry no longer – as the following tips can help alleviate the symptoms. Try the given systems to reduce the symptoms. And do not forget to add essential oil to your regimen. So, to begin with, let’s first start with the importance of chest and throat massage.
Understanding the Tips & Tweaks to Reduce Symptoms of Cough & Cold:
The Significance of Chest & Throat Massage
Massaging is an ancient technique that can help you feel relaxed. The best practice is to use essential oil. Not to forget, the Now essential oil is good for a homemade regimen. It helps you alleviate the symptoms and feel relaxed & refreshed.
For a natural massage, you need to use essential oil that feels good. The best is the one available with vanilla flavor. Besides, you can use peppermint or cedarwood. Using the essential oil improves your breathing too.
Now coming to the throat massage! The best way to start off is by rubbing diluted essential oil onto the throat. You always need to start from the ears’ base & apply downward strokes along the neck’s sides. Rub from the chin’s underside and trachea’s sides. Repeat the technique at least thrice.
Why is Sinus Massage Important?
A stuffy nose or sinus congestion is never easy. You can use essential oil by following the given steps:
Massage near nostrils with the oil. And do ensure to avoid contact with the mucous membranes and eyes
Combining some drops of essential oil with a carrier oil is best. Rub that mixture onto your nose and massage it near your nostrils
Before you sleep, use vanilla essential oil for diffusers and massage the sinuses’ outside. It is a great aromatherapy that relieves symptoms of cough and cold.
Consume Warm Liquids
There’s no alternative to the soothing effects of warm liquids. You can add Now oils to your beverages to enhance the taste and flavor. It offers a relaxing effect. You may drink a cup of warm tea added to your favorite essential oil. You may follow the given pointers:
Combine one cup of warm water
Add one drop of essential oil
And there you have it!
Drink the tea each morning and evening and you will feel the difference in a few days.
If you are planning to buy vanilla essential oil from the market, you must learn a few facts before anything else:
Around 15 drops of vanilla concentrate oil can be combined with two drops of tangerine oil in the diffuser. The best types of oil mixed well with vanilla essential oil are:
Citrus Oils
Rose Oil
Sandalwood Oil
YlangYlang Oil
You can use the above-mentioned ideas to get adequate rest. Also, do not refrain from consuming healthy foods & please take care of your health. Here’s wishing you a quick recovery.
Original Source: http://bit.ly/3WpiQRi